Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Consumption pt. 2

You didn't think that consumption only referred to that of pop-culture, did you???

My friend Rob, who also watches a lot of the Wire, was inspired to start eating/drinking raw eggs with his beer by the dockworkers in the program who down a beer and egg together in the 2nd season. The first time that he did this was at the mall next door to my house, in the food court, with an egg that was meant for his beef bowl, and he just ate that one straight from the shell. The 2nd time he did it was with me and our boy Randy outside of a convenience store in Sakae at about 2 or 3 AM, each of us downing two raw eggs straight from the shell. We were soon treated to a show 10 feet away as two drunks started to scuffle.

The cops came to break up the fight, only to let the instigator walk away and give the erstwhile victim a stern talking-to.

The point is that the tradition had spread to more people.

A few weeks back a few of us finally decided to try those eggs in our drinks. The good news is that the drinks kill the taste of the eggs, which would get a -1 on the -3 to +3 via scale, but it is much less conducive to swallow those gooey lumps of egg out of a glass than it is straight from the shell.

Just this last weekend, at that same convenience store, again at 3 in the morning or so, I ran into some other friends out of the blue. I enjoy the fact that I constantly am running into friends, even just acquaintances, everywhere I go these days. Whether I'm riding my bike back to my apartment and it's my neighbors on the way out to dinner, or arriving at the train station at 11 PM only to see my friends waiting there, people I know grabbing a quick pre-made lunch at the supermarket the same night as I am, or people who are pulling another all nighter in Sakae because they've missed the last train, it's super comforting to know that you'll always have someone around the corner waiting for you.

Yesterday, I brought my new best friend, Tiny Boy, back from the hospital.

Tiny Boy was suffering from a bad case of bad intonation, so my dawg down at the Melody Shop hooked a brother up with a free repair job!!! Yes, Tiny Boy is bright pink, and, yes, that is a koala on my pillow case (fabric courtesy of Joa, case courtesy of Yumico). I almost got hit by a car while bringing Tiny Boy home, holding Tiny Boy in one hand and steering my bike with the other. The gangster-looking Brazilian dudes driving probably would've been mad at me for riding in front of them if they hadn't been laughing at some fool with a pink guitar riding by them.

And now some only half-ancient J-pop for your viewing/listening pleasure:


Anonymous said...

flipper's guitar, huh? on a semi-related note, ozawa kenji did a collaboration song with scha dara parr called "konya wa boogie back", and in mother 2 there was a sign that said "konya wa boogie back na kanji?" (this was localized as "tonight the boogie is back!" on the runaway five sign outside the chaos theater). yay for earthbound!

BOBOSO said...

I'm waiting to find a good deal on Mother 2. I've seen it for as cheap as 800yen with a box and everything (should've picked it up then!!!) and I've seen it for upwards of 3000yen with the box. There's a lot more copies around without the box for cheap, but I might as well do things right if I do them at all.

jon said...

man, that video is the kind of shit i want to start getting movies of here. that, and crazy schizophrenic people talking to themselves on the trains.

BOBOSO said...

If you want video and photos of that stuff you better be out on the street at 2 AM ready to capture it! People here are crazy and the law ain't equipped to handle it.