Wednesday, August 31, 2005

PiNoisePop 2005

Last Saturday, August 27, I went to the last of three PiNoisePop shows up in San Francisco. There were a dozen or so bands performing over 6 hours, and combined with my jetlag, it proved to be a LONG night.

Among the bands I stayed awake for, I enjoyed Sanawon and Ninja Academy. Unfortunately I missed out on From Monument to Masses (as I napped in the car), and was disappointed by the Skyflakes who I usually have enjoyed in the past.

Ninja Academy is a bass and drum duo, not unlike the guitar and drum duo Hella. While I don't think I'd ever listen to a CD of theirs, seeing them live is freakin' mind-blowing!!! The bassist is probably the best I've ever seen, and the drummer is also amazing. In between songs they would rattle off faux-ninja banter, and the drummer had a little gong he would bang. It was all quite entertaining.

Sanawon wasn't super amazing, but fairly energetic, and the petite singer Jenny has a mouth like a sailor which she was unafraid to use in between songs. Sanawon is like the poor-man's Mates of State, but that's not a bad thing to be called if you ask me. I actually probably would've enjoyed Sanawon more had the acoustics at the warehouse not been so horribly echoey. Their keyboard progressions and melodies were pretty good, but were mostly lost in the massive blob of reverberating cymbals.

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